You know i would have never though the i, Chase Jenkins, will some day go to Japan. Looking back, past Chase would have never dream of leaving his house let alone leaving the country to go to Japan for the next 16 days:). right now i could express to you what i am feeling but as it turns out there are now words to show what i feel. well the only word i think that comes close is SuperExtremelyHyperExcitement to the third power comes but does not hit it on the nose. People have told me that this is the trip of a life time, and you know what, i believe them. At first i was like "yah" but now i am like " YAHHHH!!!!WHOOPPPPPP!!!!! Awesome!". I think that sums it all up about what I feel like before the trip. This is going to be the best 16 days every of all time
Boy, yesterday was indeed an event full day. Affter eating a wounderfull breakfast we took 3 trains to an outdoor shrine. It was a lovely place, I was havering so much fun up until the point where a crow desided to poop on me, that sure put a damper on my mood. After that we whent to have lunch at a local shopping / food district. At first we ate some dilish grapes that had ice cream and tons of chocolate. After that we walk around a little bit intel we came a cross this store that seals relly good noodles. After lunch we had over to this other famous place that had a lot of great shops. Knowing me I did not buy anything:) we whent back to the hostel after that to have dinner. After a good dinner we whent out to this sky scrapper building that was 45 story's high. Then we whent back. At the end of the day we walk 10 miles took 15 trains and took about 20000 steps. Well that was yesterday im sure today will be just as much fun. またあしたね。
Well today was an easy day. We ate breakfast at 8, I had some kind of spices on top of my rices. Then we took two trains to a museum (that was fun). Then we ate on a street called amayayo kocho. Found my first arcade that was amazing played some time crises. After lunch we went to the zoo. I could take any of the anamle in a fight. Maybe exapet the sea eagle. After that we went to the sky tree it is the second tallest building on the earth. It was a fun day can't wait for toommory.
Hey Chase! So glad you are there safe and sound (even if you're groggy about the time zone). You'll get sorted out in a day or two! We're thinking of you and hoping you're having fun!
ReplyDeleteLove, Dad, Sophia , Q&K